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Meet the 30-something Bringing Sanity Back to College Admissions & Academics

Meet the 30-something Bringing Sanity Back to College
Photo Courtesy: Matt McGee / MRM Education

By: Timothy Davis

In the opaque world of academic tutoring and college admissions consulting, a new beacon of hope and innovation has emerged, fundamentally transforming the field. Spearheaded by visionary founder Matt McGee, MRM Education offers a new educational philosophy that achieves academic excellence by placing a significant emphasis on mental health and balance – a stark contrast to today’s hyper-competitive academic environment. McGee’s unique approach is not just reshaping individual futures; it’s redefining the industry standards.

MRM Education distinguishes itself with a philosophy that says success will follow well-being, not the other way around. In an era where traditional tutoring centers and parents often equate success with high grades and top college admissions at any cost, MRM Education dares to tread a different path. “We don’t believe in preaching success at all costs,” asserts McGee, underlining a holistic strategy that focuses on the mental health and passion of each student to ensure their long-term success. This principle is ingrained in every facet of MRM Education’s operations, setting it apart as the premiere option for families seeking not just academic tutoring but a comprehensive guide through the treacherous waters of college admissions.

The secret sauce behind MRM Education’s unparalleled success lies in its team of tutors. Unlike most tutoring companies that employ part-time workers from unrelated industries, MRM insists on hiring only highly qualified educators. Oh, and they pay them 300% above the industry average. 

“You might be paying $200 per hour for tutoring, but the likelihood is your tutor isn’t making more than $25 per hour”, says McGee. “So families aren’t really getting what they pay for.”

This strategic decision ensures that MRM attracts and retains top-tier talent—individuals who are not only experts in their respective fields but also possess a level of charisma that helps them resonate with students on a personal level. These tutors serve dual roles as educators and mentors, trained specifically to empathize with students navigating the pressures and challenges inherent in the college admissions process.

But what truly sets these educators apart is their training in best practices to support youth mental health. They understand that behind every textbook and exam paper lies a young individual facing one of life’s most stressful periods. By serving as both guides and confidantes, they help students manage stress effectively, ensuring their journey towards academic excellence doesn’t come at the expense of their well-being.

“Students spend their entire lives accountable to someone. Their teachers, their parents, their coaches – but with us they can relax, they can breathe. It’s our job to support them where they’re at. It reduces resistance and that’s why we succeed.”

MRM Education’s commitment to revolutionizing learning extends beyond its innovative teaching methodology; it permeates through its active engagement with families via social media platforms such as Facebook where McGee has launched a pro bono college counseling service. His Facebook group Free College Admissions Support with Matt McGee serves as a sort of office hours where any member of the group (and yes, it is free) can ask him questions about the process. While his instagram pages @mrmeducation and @mattmcgee_collegeadmissions share valuable insights into navigating college admissions, tips for academic success, and advice on maintaining mental equilibrium amidst academic pressures.

As we look towards the future of learning in an increasingly competitive world, it becomes hard to argue that MRM Education’s model should not serve as an archetype for others to follow. The company does more than prepare students for exams or assist them in crafting perfect college applications; it prepares them for life by teaching resilience, encouraging balance, and nurturing mental fortitude alongside intellectual growth.

Says McGee, “MRM’s is more than just an educational consultancy. It’s an incubator for tomorrow’s leaders, innovators and changemakers.”


Published by: Khy Talara

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