The Wall Street Times

Applying Sacred Wisdom for Practical Solutions in the Real World

Applying Sacred Wisdom for Practical Solutions in the Real World
Photo Courtesy: Rebecca Kuritz

In the contemporary world, people often find themselves stuck in endless cycles of conflicts and crises. A few glaring examples of the global issues grappled with daily include: wars, violence, hatred, widespread poverty, famines, inequalities, deep-seated bigotry, and irreversible environmental degradation. These issues can easily seem overwhelming and too complex to solve, given the intricate web of factors at work behind each of them.

However, the question to ask is whether the reasons behind these sociopolitical, economic, and environmental problems lie in the prevalence of reductionist thinking embedded in neoclassical economic theory, the scientific methodology and the idolization of rational thinking and logic. While these have undeniably contributed to significant advancements in fields such as technology, science, medicine, and economic prosperity, they also seem to hinder individuals from solutions to the consequential challenges they face today. In many ways, these structures are incomplete at best.

This is where the ancient principles and religions, with their wisdom and insights, play a vital role. For instance, all ancient wisdom traditions, including all world religions, contain some form of spiritual principles against causing harm and violence. One such principle is the concept of Ahimsa, which comes from the Jain, Buddhist, and Hindu doctrines and is deeply ingrained in Yogic tradition. Ahimsa expresses a belief in the sanctity of all living creatures and urges the avoidance of harm and violence. 

Now, envision a world where Ahimsa becomes a core belief among nations, societies, and communities. It would mandate institutions, businesses, and corporations to revise their functioning in line with this principle. If Ahimsa were prioritized on par with or higher than GDP, profits, or power, many of humanity’s gravest issues would be organically resolved. Countries would commit to peacefully resolving conflicts; harmful products and services would be phased out. Human activities would adjust to coexist harmoniously with Nature itself. 

With the dire state the planet currently finds itself in, this vision is not merely a utopian dream but a necessity. As scientists warn that it is currently the 6th great extinction event of Planet Earth, with the entire biosphere at risk of collapsing within this century, it’s essential for humanity to change the course of its trajectory. 

The conventional theories and methods that govern humanity today provide no space for Ahimsa as it bears no perceived value. But it very well might be spiritual principles like Ahimsa that could break the stride of humanity advancing towards its own extinction. This is where the wisdom and insight of ancient traditions become indispensable.

As the Love+Truth spiritual manifesto beautifully puts it, “We’re in a race to raise human consciousness.” Illuminating this, embracing the intelligence of life contained within humanity’s ancient wisdom traditions might be the key to building a better future. It offers a path – a way out of the impending issue, towards a world that respects life, perpetuates peace instead of violence, and values harmony with nature above everything else.

Love+Truth author Robert Althuis invites everyone to walk that path and strive for a world that integrates ancient wisdom into pragmatic solutions–a testament to the timeless relevance and the profound indispensability of these principles and religions in navigating our present-day challenges. Only then can everyone hope for a future where modern technologies and ancient wisdom coexist and guide humanity to pave the way for a world free from harm, violence, and the many challenges we grapple with today. 

The book Love+Truth is available on Amazon and all major booksellers. To stay connected with the vision and mission of Love+Truth, do connect through the following platforms: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Medium, and website.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

Wall Street Times | Organic Articles


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