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The Academic Impact of Bullying: Effects on Students and Solutions

The Impact of Bullying: Effects on Students and Solutions
Photo Courtesy: Allicia Flemons

By: Overnight Publicity

Schools should be safe havens where students can learn, grow, and thrive. Yet, for many, this ideal is shattered by the harsh reality of bullying. As a school psychologist and survivor of bullying, I’ve seen firsthand how this pervasive issue can derail a student’s academic journey and leave lasting scars. My name is Allicia Flemons, and this is my story – a testament to the power of resilience and a call for systemic change in our schools.

My encounter with bullying began in high school with a seemingly insignificant incident on the school bus. A boy, whose romantic advances I had previously rejected, asked me an inappropriately personal question. My simple act of shaking my head “no” and moving away sparked a wildfire of rumors that would follow me for years to come.

The next day, false claims about my personal life spread throughout the school like wildfire. What started as a malicious lie snowballed into a campaign of harassment that followed me into college. There, someone from my past reignited the rumors, leading to public humiliation at a basketball game where my picture was displayed, and I was called derogatory names.

As someone with autism, navigating these social minefields was particularly challenging. The naivety and anxiety that often accompany autism made it difficult for me to accurately interpret and respond to these situations, leaving me vulnerable to further exploitation.

The stress and anxiety created by this hostile environment made focusing on academics nearly impossible. I found myself constantly on edge, dreading each day at school. My class participation dwindled as I feared drawing attention to myself, which in turn affected my understanding of the material and my grades.

This experience isn’t unique to me. Research consistently shows that bullied students often suffer from lower grades and increased absenteeism. The chronic stress of bullying affects memory and concentration, making it difficult to retain information and perform well on tests. For some, school becomes a place of danger, leading to irregular attendance and gaps in learning.

The effects of bullying extend far beyond academic performance. The psychological impact can linger long after the incidents have stopped, affecting mental health well into adulthood. In my case, the rumors and harassment followed me out of school, leading to unsafe situations where strangers would verbally and physically harass me.

Despite these challenges, I refused to let the bullies win. I leaned on my faith and my determination to succeed, using these experiences as fuel to fulfill my purpose and help others facing similar struggles.

As a school psychologist specializing in autism and child evaluations, I now work tirelessly to create the safe, supportive environment I wished for as a student. I use a holistic approach, incorporating techniques like mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and trauma-focused therapy to support students’ well-being.

Addressing bullying requires more than just punishing the perpetrators; it demands a comprehensive approach to changing school culture. 

As someone who has walked this difficult path, I urge everyone reading this to take a stand against bullying. Support victims, report instances of bullying, and advocate for policies that promote a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

Remember, “Awareness is the first step to change.” By sharing our stories and working together, we can create schools where every child feels safe, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Bullying may know no bounds, but neither does resilience. Let’s harness that resilience to create lasting change in our schools and communities.

For more about Allicia Flemons’ advocacy or to seek guidance on dealing with similar issues, you can visit her interview on Concho Valley News. This platform is dedicated to sharing stories that inspire change and offer support to those in need.


Published By: Aize Perez

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