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January 22, 2025
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CEO Anna Diamantakos Is Making A Mark: Helping Women Feeling Their Best With Her Unique Lymphatic Drainage Techniques

Anna Diamantakos
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In the health, wellness, and medical industry Anna Diamantakos is an pre & post operative expert who helps women’s bodies look and feel better with her signature lymphatic method.

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. Whether you are an athlete, a busy professional, or simply looking to improve your health and quality of life, incorporating lymphatic drainage into your routine benefits significantly. According to a study by NIH (National Library of Medicine), it is estimated that nearly 5,000,000 Americans suffer from lymphedema of the extremities or genitalia. In these cases, chronic interstitial fluid accumulation leads to fibrosis, persistent inflammation, and adipose deposition, often resulting in massive hypertrophy of the affected area. 

Lymphatic massage and drainage are crucial to the body’s immune system. The lymphatic system is key for maintaining overall health and wellness because it eliminates extra fluids, waste products, and toxins from the body. Lymphatic drainage is critical before and after surgery, as it can help to reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation and promote faster healing.

 In this interview, we have a groundbreaking specialist and master in lymphatic massage, a pre and post-operative care specialist Anna Diamantakos, the founder of Liquid Sculpt. We will explore the importance of staying healthy with lymphatic massage and drainage for everyone who wants a great life.

Liana Zavo: What is the secret behind this pre & post-operative care that many patients don’t know about?

Anna Diamantakos: The secret is simple yet so involved – healing another is something we do not take lightly at LS (Liquid Sculpt). A lot of love and skill goes into every interaction. It’s a very personal service. Our client is highly vulnerable, and we have mastered making them feel safe and comfortable. Of course, our unique, secure, and effective approach, techniques, and modalities are more than just a bonus. They are board-certified surgeons recommended and approved.

LZ: What are the most popular services at Liquid Sculpt?

AD: “Our most popular services are lymphatic drainage and our signature ice and wood combo session, a fan favorite. It is a form of holistic cryotherapy, which puts your body in a state of thermogenesis to burn calories. Whether you have had surgery or not, this treatment is an excellent investment that aids in weight loss, inch loss, and overall sculpting of the body and face.” 

LZ: Please elaborate on the mission of LS:

AD: The mission of LS is “Leaving You A Bit Better Than We Found You.” We are not just a treatment/recovery facility. We are an experience. One of my favorite lines I hear from clients repeatedly is, “Wow. I have had “lymphatic drainage before, but nothing compares to the feeling I have after my LS session.” That, along with “I have never felt so good and empowered by a body treatment as I have with LS.”

LZ: What is the future of post-operative care?

AD: The future of post-operative care is endless as trends indicate procedures are becoming safer, less invasive, and more effective to choose from. People are much more willing to discuss it and share their stories now. Social media is also responsible for setting all sorts of trends. There is more of a demand as well as advanced technological advancements. After surgery, lymphatic drainage is even more critical. Surgery can cause significant trauma to the body, and the resulting inflammation and swelling can be both painful and debilitating. Lymphatic drainage can help to reduce these symptoms by promoting the flow of lymphatic fluid and reducing the buildup of excess fluid in the affected area. This can help to reduce swelling and pain and promote faster healing and recovery.

LZ: Liquid Sculpt is best known for: 

AD: LS is best known for its expertise and effectiveness in seeing visible results from your first session. We are result-driven, and our work and client testimonials speak for themselves. We work very closely with board-certified surgeons worldwide, who choose and prefer our techniques, methods, and company culture.

LZ: What is unique about Liquid Sculpt?

AD: What makes LS unique is that all of our services are done manually. No technology can replace the power of our hands. We strongly believe that and witness the results of it day in and day out. We have honed in on our niche, therefore, focusing, educating, and continuing to evolve in our craft and specialty.

LZ: Tell me about your new services you are excited to offer:

AD: As a brand, we are currently working on several projects that will take us to the next level, which include products, expansion of our current locations, as well as new territories. We have been invited to many cities to discuss our services and why and how we do what we do. I am very particular about the services I bring to the company, as I will only practice treatments that I am fully confident will produce results and the client’s best interest. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” I am a big believer. It hasn’t failed me yet.

LZ: An underrated service that doesn’t receive as much press as it should:

AD: We are so well known for our post-operative care and are so busy with it that we want our clients and future clients to know that what we offer is essential whether you are pre-op, have had a procedure some time ago, or are not ready for surgery for whatever the reason may be. Our ice and wood therapy combo treatment is based on natural thermogenesis (a process when the body temperature rises by exposure to cold and an increase of energy production occurs); our certified technician uses a frozen block of organic clay infused with natural herbs, minerals, and essential oils to break down and burn fatty tissue deposits and calories. This holistic technique increases blood flow, firms, tones, tightens the skin, collagen, and elastin production, and smoothes out and reduces cellulite.

You burn anywhere between 300-800 calories through non-invasive and effective treatment, all while reducing water retention throughout the body, speeding up your metabolism, sculpting and defining the arms, legs, and waistline, and molding buttocks and firm thighs. This is a safe and effective wellness treatment for most people and a reset/detox for your lymphatic, digestive, and immune systems. In conjunction with proper nutrition and exercise, our clients report inches and weight loss. This type of procedure is a necessity before a vacation or significant life event as well.

Anna Diamantakos

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Anna Diamantakos and her team at Liquid Sculpt are exceptional at what they do in all of their locations in the Tri-state area. Helping so many women with their lymphatic drainage is an essential component of the body’s immune system, and it plays a critical role in maintaining overall health and wellness.

By incorporating lymphatic drainage techniques and healthy lifestyle habits into their pre- and post-surgery routines, patients can help to optimize their recovery and achieve the best possible outcomes from their procedures.

Written in partnership with ZavoMedia PR Group


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