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Understanding the Benefits of Vitamin Infusions with Live Hydration Spa

Understanding the Benefits of Vitamin Infusions with Live Hydration Spa
Photo Courtesy: Live Hydration Spa

By: Melissa Myers

Despite being a rapidly rising trend, many modern health enthusiasts are unfamiliar with the details of IV therapy. While vitamin infusions are known for their effectiveness in combating fatigue and improving overall well-being, the how of the process is often overlooked. 

Felicia Janovich, the founder of Live Hydration Spa, is passionate about spreading information and education on vitamin infusions. This includes explaining how they can transform health, especially when used as a proactive tool rather than just a reactive treatment.

IV Therapy: More Than Just Treatment

IV therapy is not just for those who are severely dehydrated or ill. It has evolved into a customizable treatment that offers benefits for multiple health concerns. From fatigue and immune support to enhancing skin health, IV vitamin therapy provides a way to efficiently replenish the body’s nutrients.

One of the challenges in promoting IV therapy, as Felicia points, is overcoming the lack of general awareness. 

“People just don’t know what IV therapy is,” she says. “At Live Hydration Spa, we work to educate as many people as possible. Even our clients think it’s just a luxury treatment when, really, IV therapy is for everyone.”

Live Hydration’s Take on Vitamin Infusions

While 86% of adults in the US take oral vitamin supplements, many are now considering vitamin infusions for faster results. Oral supplements still have to pass through the digestive system. Vitamin infusions, on the other hand, bypass the gut and inject nutrients directly into the bloodstream. 

This allows for the immediate absorption of essential nutrients like electrolytes, vitamin C, and vitamin B12.

People who are dealing with fatigue, frequent illnesses, or chronic conditions can benefit greatly from IV therapy. So can individuals who struggle with taking traditional supplements due to serious digestive conditions. It’s also an ideal and effective solution for individuals with malabsorption issues.

Vitamin infusions are quite efficient, too. At Live Hydration Spa, a vitamin infusion session typically lasts between 30 minutes to an hour, during which a trained professional administers and monitors the treatment. 

Janovich’s Stance on the Importance of Education

Felicia believes that understanding the benefits of IV therapy is critical for both clients and practitioners. People who offer the service should be fully aware of its value, and it’s their responsibility to properly communicate this to their clients. 

This is just one of the reasons why Felicia believes this growing industry needs ongoing education. “Our job is to educate. Clients want to take accountability for their own health, and we are here to guide them in understanding why these treatments work.”

Live Hydration Spa places a strong focus on explaining the benefits of each treatment to clients, aiming they leave with a clear understanding of how their chosen infusion can help them. For instance, many clients come in asking for B12 shots without knowing if it’s what they really need. 


“People often think they need B12 when they might actually benefit more from vitamin D or glutathione,” Felicia explains. “This is why franchise owners and providers in this industry need to understand their craft — so that they can guide the clients and give them all options.”

Felicia believes that this approach is why so many clients trust them and vouch for Live Hydration Spa’s credibility.

A Growing Industry with Room for All

Felicia’s passion extends beyond just promoting her own business. She envisions a future where the IV therapy industry continues to grow, benefiting everyone involved. Her dream is to grow the industry by contributing at least a hundred branches. 

“The more IV therapy clinics there are, the better everyone will do — as long as it’s done safely and effectively,” she says. 

Felicia stresses the importance of safety and professionalism in the field, noting that not all IV therapy clinics are created equal. At Live Hydration Spa, extensive training aims that all their staff understand the therapies they administer. This level of expertise is essential for delivering safe, effective treatments to clients and for helping the business stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Enhancing Success Through Education

For providers in the industry, this kind of education and client communication is key to success. Felicia emphasizes that business owners must focus on becoming trusted, well-informed experts. 

“I believe that when you focus on educating and helping people, business success follows naturally,” she says.

Ultimately, vitamin infusions are a powerful tool in the wellness world, offering an effective way to improve health. However, without proper education, many potential clients may overlook this transformative therapy. 

Live Hydration Spa plays a crucial role in demystifying IV therapy and helping clients make informed decisions about their health. By focusing on education, personalized care, and professionalism, Live Hydration Spa continues to establish itself as a leader in the growing field of IV therapy, offering a path from fatigue to wellness for all.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor does it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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